We will be prepping for the actual walk-thru on Saturday Oct.30th and Sunday Oct.31st (Halloween night). We are working to keep the haunt scary & exciting while also adhering to safety measures. That being said, if you are planning on attending please READ the additional information!!
Please do NOT come to the event if you have a fever, tested positive for Covid-19 recently, or interacted with someone who is positive for Covid-19, or have any symptoms of Covid-19. Be socially responsible. We plan to be back next year!
While waiting to enter, please keep 6ft between groups. We will be limiting group size to a maximum of 6 people.
Safety Masks are RECOMMENDED to walk through our haunt (NOT referring to the “Scary kind” or Halloween costume mask)!!
While in the haunt, please DO NOT touch anything. There will be barriers between you and the scenes we have setup. DO NOT ENTER the scenes, this is for the actors safety as well as yours!
The event is weather permitting. We have special effects that don’t like to get wet, so should rain be in the forecast we will shut down the event.
This will be a somewhat different version of our typical haunt due to the Covid-19 variant and will have a limited Scare Squad staff (so please be patient if attending). If we feel safety measures are NOT being followed we will shut down the haunt or remove you. Please be responsible and respect others rights to be safe and to have fun!!
The haunt is FREE!!! We only ask that you give feedback on Google Maps or https://www.californiahauntedhouses.com/county/orange.html